Arrow Enlists Farscape Actor as…

Arrow Bulletin Alert!

IGN has just reported that Arrow execs have just cast Ben Browder of “Stargate” and “Farscape” acclaim as DC character Ted Gaynor.

IGN describes Browder’s character as as being “Diggle’s commanding officer from in Afghanistan, who now works as a bodyguard for Blackhawk Squad Protection Group in Starling City. As a series of armored truck robberies strike the city, Gaynor proves to be a polarizing figure between Oliver and Diggle.”

Ted Gaynor known as Lieutenant Theodore R. Gaynor from the comics made his appearance in 1984 as part of the Blackhawk series. The series revolved around the Blackhawk Squadron, a team created in WWII consisting of expert pilots who were trained in hand-to-hand combat to take down Nazis. As the years went by and the war ended the Squadron’s mission changed from fighting in wars to focusing more on common villains, but never losing sight at their overall goal of making the world a safer place.

Browder will be making his appearance in episode 11 called “Trust But Verify” which will be premiering sometime after the new year!


Originally posted on Affairs Magazine