Arrow Snatches Once Upon a Time Star for an Upcoming “Criminal” Guest Spot


For a freshman show, Arrow is sure knocking it out of the park with recent casting announcements and this latest one is sure to get fans hyped up even more.

Zap2It has confirmed that David Anders (Alias, OUAT) will making his way to Starling City in episode 13, entitled “Betrayal” which is slated to air sometime in the new year.

Anders’ character Cyrus Vanch, is said to be a heartless criminal that has been recently released from a prison after fulfilling his sentence. Once he has been freed, instead of supposedly turning over new leaf, he goes back to his villainous ways and ends up Laurel’s radar. Laurel ends up having to contact Arrow to help put Vanch behind bars, after exhausting all legal options.

Things don’t goes as planned, as Vanch makes a play to become Starling City’s Criminal King-Pin. To ensure his status, Vanch decides to take out Arrow, the unfortunate thorn in his side. This places not only Arrow in the line of fire, but Laurel as well as both sides race to out man the other in a dangerous game that will leave only leave one side left standing.

Catch Arrow, Wednesdays 8/7c on The CW.

Originally posted on Affairs Magazine