Arrow: Spoilerish New Info

Honor Thy FatherSpoilerish Tidbits, Spoilerish Tidbits!!

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, some new spoilerish information about Arrow has just surfaced and boy it is good.

The first tidbit is regarding Laurel and whether or not will fans ever get to see this character become the superhero that she was always meant to be. The answer is….possibly. According to Andrew Kreisberg, one of the execs on the show, Laurel will continue to display “qualities” of would-be hero that will allow fans to see what other hidden talents Laurel has, that can one day lead this lawyer to become Black Canary. So, hand to hand combat…check! The Canary Cry…hopefully one day, [sighs].

For the second spoiler, well this concerns four DC villain/superheros that we have already met. Fans can expect Laurel, Tommy, Oliver and Helena (The Huntress) to go on one odd double date. While the boys are having a semi-fun time the girls, well they can barely stand each other. Let the dirty looks and snippy comments, commence!

As for the third spoiler, which is oh soooo good, refers to the possible resurrection of Deadshot. Yes, that is right folks! Even though audiences witnessed Arrow’s first DC villain receive a fatal shot through his right eye, no less, fans might see this character pop back on screen. Now, this spoiler should be taken with a grain of salt, as it is more in the realm of an extreme unlikelihood, but I guess no toe-tag is good news?!

Sound off in the comments below and let’s us know what you think of these juicy morsels.

Originally posted on Affairs Magazine