Category Archive: The CW

Arrow Recap: A Royal Flush

Last night’s episode begins with a group of masked bank robbers known as the Royal Flush Gang, who have been on a crime spree hitting various states and cities and their latest heist… Continue reading

Arrow: “Legacies” Preview Guide

Today’s new episode entitled “Legacies” will certainly be a crowd-pleaser as fans of the superhero team the Justice League will recognize the “Royal Flush Gang” as tonight’s baddie of the week. The summary… Continue reading

Arrow Casts Fringe Alum as This Season’s Big Bad

Spoiler Alert, Spoiler Alert! Seth Gable has been cast as Count Vertigo – well sort of. Last week, news broke that the character Vertigo, will be heading to Starling City as this season’s… Continue reading

Arrow Recap: Everyone is Damaged

In last week’s episode, Oliver revealed his alter ego identity to Diggle with hopes of obtaining a comrade in arms to help bring Starling City’s corrupt to justice. With some apprehension at first,… Continue reading

Arrow Enlists Farscape Actor as…

Arrow Bulletin Alert! IGN has just reported that Arrow execs have just cast Ben Browder of “Stargate” and “Farscape” acclaim as DC character Ted Gaynor. IGN describes Browder’s character as as being “Diggle’s… Continue reading

Arrow New Promo Showcases DC Villains and More

Entertainment Weekly, has obtained a new Arrow promo prominently featuring a plethora of new and some returning DC villains who will be making an appearance during November Sweeps. The video acts a bridge previewing tonight’s episode which has Oliver being brought… Continue reading

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