Arrow Episode 13: “Betrayal” Preview Guide

In last week episode, Felicity revealed Walter’s investigation to Oliver as well the evidence of the book he uncovered. In tomorrow’s episode viewers will see a continuation of Felicity’s revelation along with Oliver confronting  his mother regarding her connection and knowledge of the book which was ultimately the reason for Walter’s abduction.

In addition, to his family troubles, Oliver as the Arrow will face off against Cyrus Vanch (David Anders), TCOTW (the criminal of the week) who was recently released from prison and intends to take out Arrow to re-secure his position as “top dog” of Starling City’s criminal underworld. Meanwhile, Thea will begin her community service as Laurel’s assistant and starts to understand that probation isn’t all it is cracked up to be.

Hopefully, this new episode will provide new insights into the book along with the list of names as why it was complied in the first place, but if previous episodes are anything to go by, there will be more questions than answers in the end.

Below you can view the  trailer as well as the promo pics for “Betrayal” and don’t forget to hit the comments to share your thoughts about tomorrow’s episode.

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Originally posted on Affairs Magazine