‘Arrow’ Episode 10: ‘Burned’ Preview Guide

Arrow returns after its winter hiatus with all new episodes on The CW starting at 8/7c, with episode 10 “Burned.”

When we last left ‘Arrow,’ Oliver went up against his most formidable opponent to date , The Dark Archer and he didn’t fair to well. Not only was the Arrow’s’ reputation slung through the mud, he was mercilessly beaten in a knock-out drag-out fight. Fortunately, he was able to make his escape before he was unmasked and was able to come to the realization that their is bigger foe out there who is holding all the cards.

As for the other characters, well,  Walter has been taken as collateral by Malcolm Merlyn to ensure Moira’s cooperation for his plan for Starling City (similar to Ra’s al Ghul plan in Batman Begins). Thea and Oliver are butting heads than ever before and it looks Thea has no intention of slowing down when it comes to partying. Laurel and Tommy are finally a couple and have been given Oliver’s blessing, much to Oliver’s own heartache.

In tonight’s episode, six weeks have passed and Oliver is been out of commission thanks to The Dark Archer. He makes his way back onto the scene thanks to Laurel after she asks for his help regarding a death of a firefighter, which leads him to BOTW (Baddie of the Week) Firefly.

This latest version is modeled of the the 1952 original character who was first introduced in the DC Detective Series. While Firefly is ultimately a Batman nemesis, this villain is adaptable for any series and just like the post-crisis version, this new ‘Arrow; version has a long history with fire – he harness’s the very element that destroyed his own life, in order to inflict as much pain and damage he has gone through on others.

Unfortunately, it becomes apparent to Oliver that Firefly will be a challenge to take down, as the Arrow’s normal hand-to-hand combat fighting style may not be the best way to handle an opponent, who is capable of using fire as a weapon.

Below you can find stills, producer’s preview and bonus clip for “Burned” and don’t forget to hit the comments to share your thoughts about the show’s return!

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Originally posted on Affairs Magazine